
1C processing for Shelter CLOUD

Description of 1C processing for Shelter Cloud.

Processing is designed to get information fr om Shelter Cloud to 1C and back. The latest version can be downloaded here:ftp://ftp.shelter.ru/Shelter/Cloud%20(Frontdesk24)/1C/.

A token is required for operation (technical support issues it if the hotel has this option in the tariff). To get a token, you need to contact tracker.shelter.ru .

Data is transmitted fr om Shelter Cloud to 1C:

- List of bookings

- List of services

- List of card and cash payments

Based on this data, documents are created in 1C (to choose from):

- Implementation (for accommodation and additionalservices)

- Cash payment

- Card payment

- Invoices

- Acts

From 1C to Shelter Cloud information about accepted payments by bank transfer is transmitted.

Installation of processing.

Processing is installed in 1C in a standard way. Below is an example for 1C 8.3: "Enterprise Accounting 3.0" on managed forms.

1. Open Administration –> Printed forms, reports and processing

2. Check the box "Additional reports and processing" (The link "Additional reports and processing" will appear)

3. Click on this link, in the window that opens, click on the “Create” button and sel ect the frontdesk24.epf processing file. After you have selected the form, you need to specify its placement (in which screens it will be visible). You also need to specify the availability to users, in the tabular part, double-click on the quick access column and sel ect users. After everything is specified, click on the "Record and close"

4. Add processing to the Quick launch toolbar. To do this, open the section fr om wh ere you want to open processing (for example, "Sales"). Find the label "Additional processing". If it is not there, click "Action settings". Find the desired processing and use the "Add" button to move it to the right side of the window and click "Ok".

Now the connected processing can be used.

Working with processing.

To start processing in 1C, open the screen wh ere it is connected, for example "Bank and cash register" and sel ect "Additional processing" and there sel ect "Import fr om Frontdesk24".

If the processing was started for the first time, you need to configure it. If not, you can skip this step and proceed to downloading documents.

Setting download parameters.

To access data in Shelter CLOUD, you need a token, which can be obtained by writing to technical support at tracker.shelter.ru . It must be entered in the "token" field.

The path to the mapping files is a place to store service files with mappings. It can be left empty, then the default path will be used. Almost always this option is suitable and the field can not be filled in.

Default organization is the organization for which documents will be created.

Counterparty physical.person - if the next check mark is not set, then documents fr om individuals will be linked to the counterparty specified in this field.

Create a physical counterparty.person and contract - if set, a new value will be created for each individual in the directory of counterparties and contract. Otherwise, the counterparty must be selected either in this field or when downloading.

Create a legal entity counterparty if it is not matched - if the legal entity could not be matched by INN when downloading, it was not matched earlier and the user did not match it now, then with the check mark set, the module will create a new counterparty with the name as in Shelter CLOUD and the document will hang on it.

Responsible - the responsible person who will be put down in the documents.

Uploading documents.

To get the data, sel ect the desired period and click "Download data fr om Frontdesk24". You will get a list of documents that can be created or updated.

Pay attention to the blue columns. These are columns that may require matching. Some of them can be filled in automatically according to the settings, and some require manual matching. For example, in order for a document with a partner, which is called "Booking Com" in Shelter CLOUD, to be tied to the correct counterparty in 1C, you need to sel ect the right one fr om the drop-down list. You may have to click "Show all" and find the desired value there. After all the mappings are done, save them via the "More" (see screenshot).

To create or update documents, tick the boxes next to the required lines (there is a button that puts them all at once) and click "Create/Update documents by selected lines". The names of the documents will appear in the "Document" column, you can open them fr om there.

Import payments from 1C Shelter CLOUD.

To import payments from 1C to Shelter CLOUD, open the "Import" tab, sel ect the payment dates and click "Fill out documents". You will receive a list of payments that were created in 1C during the specified period (for example, downloaded fr om the client bank). Sel ect the required payments by ticks and click "Send to FD24".

The result can be one of the following:

- Booking fr om a counterparty with the TIN specified in the payment and the amount found in FD24 and it is one. In this case, a payment will be created in the booking. If the payer's INN is not specified in the 1C document, then he is considered an individual and then the selection is based on bookings that have a guest in the guest list whose full name completely matches the payer specified in 1C. The amount is not checked at the same time (individuals often make an advance payment), if 1 guest with such a full name has picked up, the payment is hung on him regardless of the amount.

- Booking from counterparty found, but from several. In this case, you can click on the cell with the booking number, select the correct booking and repeat the import.

- No booking was found and there are no options. You can enter the booking number manually and repeat the import. If a counterparty with the same TIN as in the payment and a booking with this number is found, a payment will be created in this booking. If no counterparty is found, a second attempt will also fail. For individuals, there will be no TIN verification, if you specify the booking number, the payment will be created in it.

Example of booking selection if more than one is found:

Example when payment is saved successfully:

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