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API for integrating electronic locks into Shelter CLOUD

Shelter CLOUD allows you to connect any electronic locks via the API mechanism.

To do this, you will need to implement a program that will be located on the computer to which the encoder is connected (or from where the encoder is accessible over the network) and which performs the following functions:

- Manages settings

- Requests commands for the encoder from the API

- Transmits commands to the encoder

Settings management is required to specify the API path in case of a change of address, port (or network address of the encoder) and API access token.

Default API path:

The access token is provided by the Shelter CLOUD technical support team.

Getting commands

To receive commands, you need to call the GetLocksCommands method from the API.

The program calls this method every 10 seconds. If the user has given a command for the encoder, it will be issued to the program.

Command options:

WriteCard = 1 - means that a card entry is required.

ReadCard = 3 - means that the card needs to be read. The program displays the card data to the user independently, without Shelter CLOUD.

ExpireCard = 4 - means that a guest with this card is required to leave and vacate the room.

Exception= -1 - means that an error occurred during operation, the service is temporarily unavailable.

Parameters will also be passed for the WriteCard command:

from - date and time of arrival

until - date and time of departure

room - room number

copies - number of cards to be issued

user - the user who issued the card

guests - number of guests in the room

mainGuestInfo - Full name of the main guest

After the command is issued, it is considered transmitted and is not repeated. If the command was not executed for any reason, you need to repeat the command in the Shelter CLOUD interface.