
Decoding parameters in download reports

Decryption of parameters in Download reports:

Non–guaranteed armor gives loading - Non-guaranteed armor gives % loading,

Guaranteed Armor gives loading – Guaranteed armor gives % loading,

One–day placement gives loading – One-day settlements give % loading (One-day settlements are settlements that do not capture the Night Audit),

Rooms under repair give an ideal load – If some rooms in the program have the status "Repair", they are still taken into account when calculating the total number of rooms.

Example, there are 29 rooms in total, 2 rooms under repair, if this parameter is active, then 29 rooms are considered as 100% of the rooms.

If the parameter is not active, then 27 rooms are considered as 100% of the rooms (29 total number of rooms-2 rooms under repair),

Additional seats give loading – The employment of additional seats affects the % of loading,

Take into account early check–in - If early check-in is taken into account when calculating % load, then the room is considered occupied from the previous day, even if check-in is today at 12.00.

Take into account late check–out - If late check-out is taken into account when calculating % load, then the room is considered occupied until the check-out time of the next day.

Rooms under repair are loaded – If the parameter is active and the numbers have the status "Repair", then such numbers are considered occupied.

If the parameter is not active, then the numbers on the repair do not affect the % load,

Calculation for a calendar day (otherwise, for hotel days) – If the parameter is active, then % of the load is calculated for 1 calendar day,

If the parameter is not active, then % of the load is counted as a shift.

Display the loading of days/places after the fact – If the parameter is active, the report shows the number of occupied places in the room,

If the parameter is not active, then all seats in the room are considered occupied,

Split by buildings – show % of the load in the context of Hotel buildings,

Guests in a settlement by type are given by loading - If the parameter is active, then guests living in additional places are included in the report and affect the actual loading of places.

Calculation in fact – If the parameter is set, the number of occupied rooms counts as 1 room per day, regardless of the number of armor in the room,

If the parameter is not active, then all bookings and settlements in the room for the period are considered,

Unallocated bookings give a load – If the parameter is active, then bookings that are not assigned a room number affect the % load,

If the parameter is not active, then bookings that are not assigned a room number do not affect % downloads.

Number of guests including those who have left – If the parameter is active, the number of Guests who have left for the period is added to the total number of guests staying. This option is needed in order to see how many Guests stayed for 1 day.

For standard work, the following parameters are suitable: Non-guaranteed bookings give loading, Guaranteed bookings give loading, One-day placement gives loading, Calculation upon check-in / check-out.

Standard parameters of construction: Non-guaranteed reservations, Guaranteed reservations, One-day settlement gives loading, Calculation for a calendar day (otherwise, for hotel).

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