Setting up the autotransfer in the settlement. Used to transfer services to a given folio. It can be applied when 2 rooms live for cash and one room pays for the other.
You need to open the reservation/settlement card from which you need to move services to another folio.
On the top panel, click the "Autotransfers" button.
In the window that opens, in the upper left corner, click the plus button. In the window that opens, you must specify the folio number, where the services will be moved and which services should be moved. Next, you need to click save – the window with the selection will be saved, and then click Ok - the window with the autotransfer will close.
Next, you need to save the reservation / settlement.
A sign will appear inside the folio, the same as if the usual transfer scheme had been installed.
If the autotransfer was installed during the guest's stay and the services have already been credited to the folio of the settlement, then only newly accrued services will get to the transfer. In order for the services accrued earlier to be moved as well, you need to go to the folio from which the services should be moved, click the "Transfer (down arrow)" button on the top panel and select "Perform transfers" in the drop-down list.