Sections and articles

Adding a Virtual Fiscal Registrar

Connecting a virtual fiscal registrar and disabling a real fiscal registrar.

A virtual fiscal registrar is required in several cases:

- penetration of non-cash payments at workplaces where a fiscal registrar is not installed;

- viewing data in the cash register and cash reports at workplaces where a fiscal registrar is not installed;

- correction of errors related to the conduct of fiscal payments.

We go to Tinctures - Services and equipment: 


On the top panel, click the "Add" button:


In the "Driver" field, click on the button with three dots and in the window that opens, select the Fiscal Registrar - Virtual FR:

image-1631022566748.pngIn the "Settings" field, click on the button with three dots and in the window that opens, click "Save":


Next, select the kiosk that you want to use in connection with the virtual fiscal registrar:


After selecting the kiosk, click the "Save" button.

Attention! If a real fiscal registrar is installed at the workplace and you need to connect a virtual one, then you need to tick "Temporarily disabled" in the real fiscal registrar:
