
Quotas for numbers for organizations

The block of seats is used to issue a part of the room stock for sale by the counterparty. After issuing numbers to the block, the availability of numbers in the Free Space screen decreases. Since it is not specific rooms that are given, but categories.

The function is disabled by default, you can enable it in your personal account by checking the Use place blocks box and clicking Save.

After that, to start working with place blocks, you need to go to Settings - Place blocks.

Press the buttonAdd. In the fields, specify: the counterparty for whom the block of places is allocated, the room category, the period and the number of rooms. The remaining fields are optional. Click Save.

On the Free Spaces tab, it looks like this.

To edit, click on Редактировать.

Enter new data, click Save.

If you want to remove the counterparty from the settings of the places block, then click Delete at the top of the panel. Next, Delete in front of the counterparty being deleted. Confirm your action in the pop-up window.

To make a reservation for blocked rooms, press Translate to reservations.

In the window that appears, select the tariff and click Create reservations and delete a block.

This is how the booking data looks on the checkerboard:

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