Sections and articles

How do I make a beautiful card for the booking module?

To create a card that the guest will see on the last booking page, we recommend using by the Yandex Maps constructor.

Click on the link and click "Create a map".

In the visual editor, we adjust the scale and positioning so that the hotel is clearly visible relative to the surrounding settlements and roads.

For additional visualization of the hotel's location on the map, you can use the toolbar. Information on the screenshot:

When we are done editing the map, click on the " buttonSave and continue".

In the window that opens, select the option "Ins ert on the site", and also specify the type of map:

- Interactive. Such a map can be moved, and objects respond to user actions.

- Static. The picture is in PNG format. It has a limited number of objects.

Next, you need to add the received card code to the booking module. To do this, go to Shelter CLOUD. Go to the settings by clicking on the username in the upper right corner of the screen. Select the section "Online for the v2.0 website". Click on the link "Show all settings". 

Scroll down the page to the section "Location of the hotel on the map (html code):". In the section "HTML code", ins ert the iframe code of the map, which we received in the Yandex map constructor.

Now go to the booking module on the website and check the result.