
Configuring the channel connection Booking.com to Shelter CLOUD

Object placement

In the Booking sales channel, channel managers (Channel manager) are called "Providers".

To integrate with Shelter CLOUD, you need to go to the basic settings in your personal account Booking.com . In the drop-down menu, sel ect the section "Provider".

In the window that opens, click on the "Find" button to search for a provider.

In the search bar, enter "Frontdesk24" and sel ect this provider.

In the window that opens, we set the necessary checkboxes and click the " buttonConnect". 

After that, the Shelter support service will receive a connection request. Technical support will check the information and send a confirmation. After that, the connection will be allowed.

You can speed up the verification process:

- For clients: Email to support@shelter.ru , with a request to confirm synchronization with Booking for the object (specify the ID and name of the object

in the Shelter CLOUD).

- For partners: Create a task on tracker.shelter.ru in the project "Shelter 2", with a request to confirm synchronization with Booking for the object (specify the ID and name of the object

in Shelter CLOUD).

After confirmation, Booking will receive an information letter about successful activation:

Synchronization settings

1. In Shelter CLOUD, go to the "Channel Manager" tab. In the section "Available channels" we find the sales channel "Booking" and click on the button "Add ". 

2. In the window that opens, enter the ID of the placement object. You can view it in your personal account Booking.com . Information in the screenshots:

3. If there are several objects on Booking, each with its own ID, you need to add several Booking channels to Shelter CLOUD in the section "Channel Manager". To do this, repeat the above points 1 and 2 for each accommodation facility on Booking.com . All such objects will be displayed in the "Channel Manager" section "Connected channels". The example is in the screenshot.

4. After adding the channel, sel ect it in the section "Connected channels" and click on the button "Channel management". 

5. Turn on the channel by activating the checkbox and click on the "Download directories" button.


6. After downloading, the directories will be displayed in the sections "Categories" and "Tariffs". It is necessary to compare the categories uploaded fr om Booking with the categories of rooms fr om Shelter CLOUD. Similarly, compare the tariffs uploaded fr om Booking with the tariffs from Shelter CLOUD. Information in the screenshots:

8. Next, go to the "Shelter CLOUD Settings" tab. It is necessary to fill in the fields "Counterparty" and "Contract". If they are not turned on, then you can do this in the section "Settings" - "Contractors" and "Settings" - "Contracts" respectively. Information in the screenshots:

9. Let's take a closer look at the other settings of the "Shelter CLOUD Settings" tab:

- "Immediately identify the number". With this setting, the room number is allocated immediately upon booking. The system reserves any available number of the requested category. In this case, it is not possible to use cross-booking. It is not recommended for facilities that want to clearly control the loading of the hotel.

- "Use individual seat availability settings". With this setting, the accommodation facility can select the number of rooms and their availability schedule for the channel Booking.com To do this, activate this setting, then go to the "Channel Manager" section, select the Booking channel and click on the "Managing availability". 

In the window that opens, click on the button "Edit availability"

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