Adding a new kiosk for accepting payments.
To create a new kiosk, go to Settings – Directories – Directories – Kiosks, then use the "Add" button, you need to fill in the fields whose values are described under the screenshot.
The value of the fields:
Hotel – the kiosk belongs to the hotel.
Owner organization - the kiosk belongs to the owner organization.
Code is a short name.
Name – full name (for example, “Cash Register”).
Note – a field for additional information.
Folio is a folio number that is filled in manually (the kiosk code is written in order, starting with the one pre–installed in the system under the number 501, i.e. Kiosk No. 1 with folio No. 501, Kiosk No. 2 will be with folio No. 502, etc.).
Punching a zero check after closing is an option that automatically breaks a zero check after closing a shift (after breaking a zero check, the next shift opens).
Automatic deposit of money (amount) – the amount that will be automatically deposited to the cashier (the deposit is also carried out in the module "Working with the cashier").
Default payment – the payment type that will be used by default.
Use by default – the option by which the kiosk will be used by default.
Possible payment types are the types of payments that will be used in this kiosk (if all are used, then there is no need to check all the boxes).
List of available users – users who have access to the kiosk (if the kiosk is available to all users, then there is no need to check all the boxes).