How to upload a logo to Shelter.
Create a logo in "JPG" format with the name "logo":
Find the location of Shelter – PCM by shortcut – File Location:
Find the "FRF" folder in the Shelter folder, open it and drop the logo there:
When transferring the logo, a message should appear that there is already a logo in the folder, replace the standard Shelter logo with your own:
Open Shelter in the section "Configuring reports":
Click on the "External files" button, find the line "Organization logo":
Open an external file, use the button in the "File Name" field:
In the "File name" line, select "All Files", find the Shelter shortcut:
Find the location of Shelter – PCM by shortcut – File Location:
Find the "FRF" folder, open it:
Find the logo, upload it to Shelter:
Save an external file in Shelter: